MAS V3.4 PTF02 Function Reference

DLUR Path Switch SAW Data

This PTF allows a router acting as a DLUR node to provide additional route information to its DLUS for the LU-LU sessions served by that DLUS. Before this PTF, when a session is brought up, the DLUR provides the serving DLUS with session awareness (SAW) information. This information does not currently include the LU-LU session route (RSCV) for the dependent LU-LU session. With this PTF, the LU-LU session RSCV is included in the SAW data sent to the DLUS upon session activation. This RSCV is sent regardless of the level of the DLUS, since most levels of VTAM can save and display this RSCV (those which cannot save it will just ignore it). Refer to the SAVERSCV start option in the VTAM publications.

In addition, this PTF includes a function which causes the DLUR to collect information about the HPR route over which the LU-LU session flows, and include this in the SAW data sent to the DLUS upon session activation. If the HPR route undergoes path switch, the DLUR then sends the new HPR route information to the DLUS. This allows the DLUS to update its copy of the LU-LU session route for all the LU-LU sessions which use that HPR route, so the network operator always has an accurate record of the current route for each dependent LU-LU session.

Support for this HPR route information is negotiated between the DLUS and DLUR during CPSVRMGR pipe session activation. If either does not support the function, the HPR route information is not included in the SAW data for dependent LU-LU sessions. This function can be enabled or disabled in the router, via a new configuration option. If the function is enabled on the DLUR, the DLUR saves the HPR route information for the duration of the underlying LU-LU sessions, even if the DLUS does not support receipt of the information. This allows the router to send the HPR route information to a backup DLUS which does support the function, in case of DLUR giveback and takeover. If no DLUS in the network supports the new HPR SAW data, the function should be disabled in the DLUR, thereby saving memory.

Config> protocol APPN 
APPN config>set dlur
Support DLUR HPR session awareness (y/n) [N] y 
Fully-qualified CP name of primary DLUS [] xxx.xx1
Fully-qualified CP name of backup DLUS [] xxx.xx2
Perform retries to restore disrupted pipe [Y]? 
Take down the dependent link when there is no session [N]? 
Support DLUR HPR session awareness support (y/n) [N]?
Write this record [Y]? 

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